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Robyn van Gennip (geboren 2001, Veldhoven, Nederland) is een Nederlandse multimedia kunstenaar die voornamelijk werkt met schilderingen en textiel. Hun werk onderzoekt genderidentiteit, intimiteit, het hedendaagse psychologisch helen, en de relaties tussen gender en het lichaam. Van Gennip is een nonbinaire transmasculiene kunstenaar en gebruikt hij/hun verwijswoorden. 

Van Gennip werkt met hun persoonlijke ervaring met genderdiversiteit, en het visualiseren van het hedendaagse 'transcending gender' in zowel de kunsten als in de maatschappij. Verwijswoorden worden opgerekt, als een breed begrip gezien, uitingen in kleding zijn niet meer zwart of wit, mensen kijken steeds meer naar zichzelf als het neerkomt op hun gender. 


SB150 - 2023

Installation, multimedia

What does Kentucky Senate Bill 150 include?
SB 150's initial provisions remain, including the one allowing teachers to misgender their students and a requirement that schools give parents two weeks' notice before any lessons on human sexuality and allow them to opt out.

Other provisions now include:

A ban on gender-affirming medical care for trans youths.
A requirement that doctors set a timeline to detransition children already taking puberty blockers or undergoing hormone therapy. They would be allowed to continue offering care as they taper a child's treatments, if immediately taking them off the treatment could harm the child.
Schools would not be allowed to discuss sexual orientation or gender identity with students of any age.
Schools would not be allowed to talk about sexually transmitted diseases or human sexuality before sixth grade and would need to require parental consent in sixth grade and up.
School districts would be required to craft bathroom policies that, "at a minimum," will not allow trans kids to use the bathroom tied to their gender identities.
Children could legally change their names or alter their birth certificates as part of their transitioning.




In ‘Accumulation’ (2022) I look more into wether one can ascend the true meaning or experience of gender within the tangible human body. I translated my personal, spiritual and abstract experience of my own gender into a 16-layered painting. I have captured the momentary experience, and added references in text and visuals. Zippertits, stars, a clouded mind and face, blood dripping downwards, all references with a christian teint. Pastel colours, the lightness of the painting itself all with the goal of ascending. Ascending the set terms, the expectations but also ascending spiritually, bodily, in mind and visually. Outlines affirmed and blurred at the same time, the tangible body and intangible aura.



Fabrics, paint, paper, safety pins, sex toy. 

Transgender people are constantly sexualised. Wether it is to determine their gender through their genitals, or the sexual harrasment they go through by being fetishised. No matter what someone's genitals are, when someone is trans they have to be very aware of the people they interact with and the people they call thier partner. A transgender person can only be free in their own body and sexuality once the other person is so as well.

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-30 at 4.39.19 PM (2).jpeg


pen and tea on paper

'Phillautia' is a work in which I write love letters to myself, treat them to a tea bath and place them together as a wall of love. 

“As a woman, being proud of yourself and believing you are ‘enough’ as you are,
is an act of social and political resistance” – Jameela Jamil

In a society where people are expected to hate themselves and their body, the act of selflove is an act of rebellion. Everywhere we see commercials to lose weight, to change our appearance, to fit into the mold our elders have laid out for us. 

Beeldend werk: Pers
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